Help us acquire critical wildlife habitat and open it to public recreation
With the support of people like you, Quail Forever and Pheasants Forever have created more than 225,000 acres of permanently protected and publicly accessible upland wildlife habitat.
Habitat protection, enhancement and public access is at the core of our mission and these key activities are at the heart of the Build a Wildlife Area program to raise funds to acquire and restore critical wildlife habitat and open it to public recreation. None of this would be possible without the generous support of public land creators like you.
What is the Build a Wildlife Area Program?
Build a Wildlife Area is Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s permanent habitat protection program delivering strategic, fee-title acquisitions to conserve habitat and increase public hunting access. The program strives to create functional landscapes that support wild, sustainable populations of upland birds and other wildlife, while providing natural resources and community benefits.
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Purchasing Property is just the beginning
By donating to our Build a Wildlife Area program, you will ensure our organization is able to secure more properties, but also put boots on the ground to restore and improve upland wildlife habitat.
Our recent Wildcat Bend North acquisition project shows that purchasing a property is only part of the story when it comes to creating healthy habitat, clean water, and public access:
Build a Wildlife Area Success
Thanks to the support of our chapter, members, donors and partners, we have created remarkable wildlife areas and public access opportunities across the United States.
» Creates Public Access: Permanently protecting over 225,000 acres since 1982.
» Conserves Critical Habitat for Wildlife: Strategic land preservation for the benefit of upland wildlife.
» Preserves Outdoor Heritage Traditions: Access for hunters to continue our outdoor heritage tradition.
Program Annual Report