Photo Gallery: BIRD DOG, Meet Kansas City

New puppy, new town, new lessons...and a new life together.

Words By Douglas E. Spale
Pictures by KC.Photography

Photo Gallery: BIRD DOG, Meet Kansas City

New puppy, new town, new lessons...and a new life together.

Words By Douglas E. Spale
Pictures by KC.Photography


Welcome to your new home Nʉ̠a Kohtopʉ̠,
pronounced Naw Koo-towp


Your name means “my fire” in the beautiful
Comanche language, but I will call you Kohtop


My heart is full of happiness and you are my passion


Special toys bring joy to your eyes and heart


These moments will not last forever


Now, let me show you the city


Let’s load up


My co-pilot, my right hand


A storied gaze upon the horizon


Your confidence will soon grow


Kansas City is our home as the journey begins

For a companion story on Douglas and Kohtop’s journey, click here.
