Pollinator Habitat Program will provide financial assistance and training for PF/QF chapters to engage youth, families and local communities in establishing pollinator habitat projects. The objectives of this program are to educate youth on the importance of pollinators and pollinator habitat as well as establish quality pollinator habitat projects.


example: 30 youth / 10 adults
partners, site description, establishment/ management plan, etc
State, County, City
example: (-93.031, 45.040)
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I agree to follow and meet the pollinator habitat outreach programs criteria, which includes but not limited to: (1) Engaging a community and/or youth group, (2) Seed mix meets PF/QF habitat standard and includes milkweed species, (3) Paying for the project up front to be reimbursed(1/2 of expenses) after all reports have been submitted, (4) Project includes an educational activity, (5) Project has habitat project sign recognizing all national program sponsors, (6) All required reports will be sent to PF within 30 days of project completion. I agree to follow and meet the pollinator habitat outreach programs criteria.
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